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Welcome to my site! My name is Macey Warren and I am a public relations professional with a knack for the written word and storytelling. With an extensive background in PR, I specialize in media relations, client management, project management, creative/technical writing and creative strategy. I made this website so you can get to know a little more about me and what I can do. Take a look around at my work, inspirations and resume and let's get in touch.


"You can endure any how if you know your why." I live intentionally, and my work reflects it. My purpose-driven mentality keeps my passion for learning alive and fuels my creativity. Find out more about what makes me tick by clicking below.


I am not one to stick to the "status quo." Embracing and driving change is part of who I am. Houston, we have a problem? Good, let's creatively find new solutions and make it better. Learn more about my catalytic work style by exploring my resume.


I'm a big collaborator and attend as many brainstorms as possible. My agency-life background taught me my passion for building meaningful relationships with others. I thrive in collaborative environments and love some good team spirit. Read about my collaborative leadership through my portfolio.


My communication style starts and ends with listening. Recognizing the importance of being an active listener, I lead with purpose, positivity and openness. Feedback, understanding and articulation are necessary pieces of my communication puzzle. Ask me any question via my contact page; I'll be sure to listen! 


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